
July 6, 2021
The Muddied Waters of Freedom with Jason Lyon and Spike Cohen

Episode 203 – “Lose Your Land,” – The New Hit Single by Eminent Domain

Avery Rumberger is 18 years old and running for judge of elections in his precinct, southern part of Cass Township in Schuylkill county, PA. Jen Psaki is trying to be a spin doctor, but she’s more like a spin intern, the fastest woman in America gets booted from the Olympics, Bill Cosby is out of jail, and why eminent domain is stupid and deserves to be ended. Become a member:
July 5, 2021

Mr Bearded Truth – 1 – It costs how much to live?

The Beard is back with a new format. Today's episode will be covering why and how the cost of merely living and doing business continues to climb and dismantle some of the typical talking points we hear from Republicrats.
July 1, 2021
The Wrighter's Block

The Wrighter’s Block Episode 58 – Jonathan Realz Gets Wrighter’s Block

Jonathan Realz is a current candidate for US Congress. Before his birth, a prophecy foretold of a child who would grow up to take over the Libertarian Party. Determined not to let this happen, the Menu Eaters devised a plan that resulted in Jonathan’s parents being murdered. Jonathan was then raised by the Shoney Bear, who instilled in him the values of free choice, personal responsibility, and buffets.
June 29, 2021
The Muddied Waters of Freedom with Jason Lyon and Spike Cohen

Episode 202 – Joe Biden Continues to Plagiarize

Joe Biden rips off everyone from Eric Swalwell to yours truly in a week of just rapid facepalming by anyone who believes in decorum from the White House. Brody Anderson joins the stream to talk about winning a 6-year term to the River Valley District Board of Trustees! Plus we talk about the True Hero, John Hurley. Oh, and a Personal Injury Attorney, Chris Reynolds, Attorney-at-Law Anchor Call in Moment! Become a member:
June 24, 2021
The Wrighter's Block

The Wrighter’s Block Episode 57 – Ben Boren Gets Wrighter’s Block

Ben Boren is the current Vice Chair of the Libertarian Party of Michigan. He is a former congressional candidate and speaker at LP events, spreading the word of Big Tent Libertarianism. He is talking about the Libertarian Party of Michigan’s convention and whatever we decide to talk about.
June 22, 2021
The Muddied Waters of Freedom with Jason Lyon and Spike Cohen

Episode 201 – Biden and the Supremes

GOP Sen. Rick Scott defends a socialist policy to cheers, Catholics want to punish politicians who don’t follow them blindly, and Joe Biden and Putin meet to show the world that they can sit in the same room together and have nothing exciting happen. Plus the Supreme Court rules on ObamaCare (part III), and they rule on whether a catholic adoption agency in Philadelphia has to accept same sex marriages to qualify adopting parents. Oh, and a Personal Injury Attorney, Chris Reynolds, Attorney-at-Law Anchor Call in Moment! Become a member:
June 17, 2021
The Wrighter's Block

The Wrighter’s Block Episode 56 – Travis “Bull” Johnson Gets Wrighter’s Block

Travis “Bull” Johnson is running for Congress in Western Minnesota. A 20 year Army vet, he has traveled immensely, and has interesting thoughts on policy on taking care of the vets, foreign policy, education, taxation (spoiler: he doesn’t like it) and property rights.
June 15, 2021
The Muddied Waters of Freedom with Jason Lyon and Spike Cohen

Episode 200 – Reunited and it feels so good

Matt & Spike are LIVE together at Muddied HQ, and they’re talking with Billy Ukwu of End The Two Party System! They’re also responding to your voice messages and auctioning of signed swag!!
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