Jason Lyon

August 18, 2021
(((My Fellow Americans)))

(((My Fellow Americans))) #110: King Randall

Spike's guest tonight is King Randall, a 21 year old Marine vet who saw a problem in his community in Georgia and decided to fix it.
August 17, 2021
The Muddied Waters of Freedom with Jason Lyon and Spike Cohen

Episode 208 – There is not a lot of good news, but we’re having an AUCTION!

We are auctioning off a Waffle House Caucus Tumbler hand made by the wonderful people at Defy The Power! It is autographed by Matt and Spike and is emblazoned with the waffle house caucus logo. It will be a one of a kind collectors item you will want to add to your already growing tumbler collection! Also, Desantis v Biden, more on the infrastructure bill, Remington lawsuit, and Afghanistan. Oh, and a Personal Injury Attorney, Chris Reynolds, Attorney-at-Law Anchor Call in Moment!
August 16, 2021

Mr Bearded Truth – 7 – Diverting to say it’s okay to not be okay.

Afghanistan is rightfully being talked about by so many pundits, arm chair quarterbacks, and keyboard warriors, but there has been a gross over simplification from every source Jason has heard so far, so join in as he gives you his.
August 11, 2021
(((My Fellow Americans)))

(((My Fellow Americans))) #109: Olga Meshoe Washington

We've all seen images of the rioting and protests in South Africa, but what has caused it? And is there anything we can learn about what we're facing in the US? My guest tonight is Olga Meshoe Washington. She's from South Africa and now lives in the States, and she has some eye-opening insights on what is happening in both countries.
August 10, 2021
The Muddied Waters of Freedom with Jason Lyon and Spike Cohen

Episode 207 – No Flying Cars, but The Whole Camel

Thanks to the infrastructure bill we may not get flying cars anytime soon, but they will know if you’ve been drinking before you drive. Andrew Cuomo refuses to resign, even as pressure grows for him to. Psaki doesn’t like being asked about Biden’s history with sexual assault, and Apple let’s the nose of the camel in, and it’s only a matter of time before that beast to destroy everything inside the tent of privacy we all continue to hope for. Oh, and a Personal Injury Attorney, Chris Reynolds, Attorney-at-Law Anchor Call in Moment! Become a member: Anchor.fm/MuddiedWaters/subscribe
August 9, 2021

Mr Bearded Truth – 6 – Matt Wright joins us to talk about the War on Drugs

Jason has Matt Wright one of the co-founders of Muddied Waters Media to discuss a bit of the history of the War on drugs and discuss how the libertarian philosophy would address the problems of drug use, addiction, and otherwise.
August 6, 2021

Mr Bearded Truth – 05 – Criminal Justice System

Jason takes a deep dive into the criminal justice system and how it became the clusterf*ck that we have all come to know and hate.
August 5, 2021
The Wrighter's Block

The Wrighter’s Block Episode 62 – Byron Cabbage Gets Wrighter’s Block

Byron Cabbage is coordinating an event with Spike Cohen in Kentucky this weekend, and it’s a week filled with fun, networking, and liberty training… plus a potentially embarrassing display of athletic inability.
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