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March 18, 2022

Mr Bearded Truth – 23 – Why privatizing resources would benefit society with Andy Kennedy.

As a society, we've been groomed to believe that governments and those we elect have our best interest in mind, but a quick google search determines that's quite the lie. Join Jason as he sits with Andy Kennedy, who was one of the many libertarians elected in the elections last year, as they discuss the issues of conservation efforts.
March 16, 2022

Episode 232 – The Price Isn’t Right

Kamala Harris tries to let the the Polish President give his opinion on inflation in America, the House is voting to revoke Russia’s normal trade status, and Joe Biden weighs in on WWIII. TikTokers are now White House Correspondents explaining why gas is so expensive. Also, Biden signs a new spending bill that does not look like a bill the Democrats would have signed. Oh, and a Personal Injury Attorney, Chris Reynolds, Attorney-at-Law Anchor Call in Moment! Become a member:
March 9, 2022
(((My Fellow Americans)))

(((My Fellow Americans))) #127: Lauren Postler, Joanna Jurgens and Larry Sharpe

Spike, Larry and the Liberty Live crew are going to SXSW this weekend. What will we be talking about? Get a preview of it on this episode!
March 8, 2022
The Muddied Waters of Freedom with Jason Lyon and Spike Cohen

Episode 232 – Russia, Russia, Russia!

Stacey Abrams tries to tie her issues to the issues the Ukrainians are having right now, the letter ‘Z’ has somehow become an improperly used rallying symbol, Visa and Mastercard strengthen the Russia/China alliance, and gas prices are out of this world! Oh, and a Personal Injury Attorney, Chris Reynolds, Attorney-at-Law Anchor Call in Moment! Become a member:
March 1, 2022
The Muddied Waters of Freedom with Jason Lyon and Spike Cohen

Episode 231 – State of the U… u… You Know The Thing Special!

Joe Biden is going to be standing in front of both houses of Congress for the first time in his term, and what will he say?!? He doesn't even know. We will see how well he reads how he ended the pandemic, how America is leading the way in the Ukrainian War, even though we've been behind on every aspect of the war since its inception, and how the inflation is all Trump's fault off of a teleprompter. This is going to be a fun night! Subscribe to Muddied Waters Media: Visit our store:
February 23, 2022
(((My Fellow Americans)))

(((My Fellow Americans))) #126: Sheriff David Hathaway

A libertarian, voluntaryist...Sheriff? Spike's guest tonight is the highest law enforcement official in the border county of Santa Cruz County, Arizona. And yes, he is an outspoken libertarian, one who fights against tyranny at the state and federal level on a daily basis. You do NOT want to miss this one!
February 16, 2022
(((My Fellow Americans)))

(((My Fellow Americans))) #125: Keith MacIntyre

What's the next step for the Freedom Convoy? Will liberty beat tyranny? Spike talks with Keith MacIntyre, leader of the British Columbia Libertarians, who have been part of the protests since they started last month.
February 15, 2022
The Muddied Waters of Freedom with Jason Lyon and Spike Cohen

Episode 230 – Freedom of Speech is Passing Fad

Do you want a gun owned by a Canadian that needs to sell it quick? Well, we have good news for you. Check out the show for more info on how that’s attainable. Kanye and Pete’s rivalry gets dirty with the meanest insults being perried about. Justin Trudeau declares polite martial law in the Great White North. The ATF wants you to snitch on your exes, the CIA is listening to you, and the DHS is attacking free speech. Plus, a Personal Injury Attorney Chris Reynolds Attorney-at-Law anchor Call-in-Moment! Plus more... Become a member:
February 11, 2022
(((My Fellow Americans)))

(((My Fellow Americans))) #124 – For All Tennessee

It's 2022, and Spike is finally back! On our first episode of 2022, Spike talks with Justin of For All Tennessee for an update on all the work they did in 2021, and their plan ahead for 2022.
February 10, 2022
The Wrighter's Block

The Wrighter’s Block Episode 75 – Alex Snitker Gets Wrighter’s Block

Former Libertarian Senatorial candidate, Vice Chair of the Libertarian Party of Florida, and national executive director of the Republican Liberty Caucus, and current host of Unattended Baggage, Alex Snitker, joins Matt in Studio to discuss inter-party politics as it relates to the Libertarian Party and how we need to fix things to be taken seriously. Become a Subscriber: Visit the store:
February 8, 2022
The Muddied Waters of Freedom with Jason Lyon and Spike Cohen

Episode 229 – Glocks Are Now Weapons of War

Biden says he wants to end all cancer, Stacey Abrams joins the "Rules for Thee, Not for Me" crowd when it comes to masks, Biden wants to make owning solar panels more expensive than it should be, and says that no amendment is absolute. If you want to help Claire: Oh, and a Personal Injury Attorney, Chris Reynolds, Attorney-at-Law Anchor Call in Moment! Become a member:
February 1, 2022
The Muddied Waters of Freedom with Jason Lyon and Spike Cohen

Episode 228 – WE ARE BACK!

Jeff Bezo’s used $200 Million to get the naming rights for the National Air and Space museum, the ATF is keeping a gun registry, Breyer is stepping down, and lockdowns didn’t make much of a difference in the intended way, but Canadian truckers are in Ottawa to protest v@c¢ine mandates. Plus, a Personal Injury Attorney Chris Reynolds Attorney-at-Law anchor Call-in-Moment! Plus more... Become a member:

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