
May 20, 2021
The Wrighter's Block

The Wrighter’s Block Episode 52 – Jennifer Moore Gets Wrighter’s Block

Jennifer Moore is the newly elected chair of the Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania! Join us as we discuss her plans for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and how she plans to support the great candidates the PALP is putting forth for the various roles.
May 19, 2021
(((My Fellow Americans)))

(((My Fellow Americans))) #101: For All Tennessee

No-knock raids are stupid, destructive and unnecessary. They have claimed far too many lives, and scarred many more. And thankfully, no-knock raids will soon be a thing of the past in Tennessee, whose legislature passed a bill banning them, as well as requiring officers intervene when another officer is using excessive force. One of the most instrumental groups behind this successful push to reform police practices is For All Tennessee, and tonight at I'm going to talk to the folks behind it, Justin Cornett and Joshua Eakle.
May 18, 2021
The Muddied Waters of Freedom with Jason Lyon and Spike Cohen

Episode 195 – Because Israel V Hamas Is So Contentious, Let’s Talk Abortion

It’s Supreme Court season and decisions are beginning to come out from this session. We will cover a few of those, as well as talk about some of the cases they have agreed to hear next session.
May 13, 2021
The Wrighter's Block

The Wrighter’s Block Episode 51 – Jess Mears Gets Wrighter’s Block

Libertarian superstar Jess Mears joins Matt to talk about Clubhouse and how we can use it spread the message of liberty.
May 12, 2021
(((My Fellow Americans)))

((((My Fellow Americans))) #100: Courtney Cahill

Join Spike and Prof. Courtney Cahill tonight as we discuss the trans bills that are being introduced and debated across the country. Are they needed? Will they stand up in court? Find out tonight!
May 11, 2021
The Muddied Waters of Freedom with Jason Lyon and Spike Cohen

Episode 194 – Gas Prices Are Going to SkyRocket…. more.

Bill Gates’ biography will reveal a lot about the guy who may or may not be trying to get rid of a large amount of the population, the jobs report was terrible, masks ended the flu, and the Colonial pipeline was hacked, and Biden had to have that explained to him.
May 6, 2021
The Wrighter's Block

The Wrighter’s Block Episode 50- Joel Getz Gets Wrighter’s Block

Joel Getz is running for mayor of East Stroudsburg, PA, the chair of the Libertarian Party of Monroe County, the social media director for Joe Soloski and Steve Scheetz, and he’s here to tell us why if you don’t vote for him, you deserve what you ‘Getz!’
May 5, 2021
(((My Fellow Americans)))

(((My Fellow Americans))) #99: Jacob Sullum

Drugs won the war on drugs long ago. Is Biden going to continue to destroy lives with his disastrous laws? Author and Reason Magazine Senior Editor Jacob Sullum joins Spike tonight to talk about what lies ahead in the fight to legalize substances.
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