
May 6, 2021
The Wrighter's Block

The Wrighter’s Block Episode 50- Joel Getz Gets Wrighter’s Block

Joel Getz is running for mayor of East Stroudsburg, PA, the chair of the Libertarian Party of Monroe County, the social media director for Joe Soloski and Steve Scheetz, and he’s here to tell us why if you don’t vote for him, you deserve what you ‘Getz!’
May 5, 2021
(((My Fellow Americans)))

(((My Fellow Americans))) #99: Jacob Sullum

Drugs won the war on drugs long ago. Is Biden going to continue to destroy lives with his disastrous laws? Author and Reason Magazine Senior Editor Jacob Sullum joins Spike tonight to talk about what lies ahead in the fight to legalize substances.
April 29, 2021
The Wrighter's Block

The Wrighter’s Block Episode 49 – Angela McArdle Gets Wrighter’s Block

Chair of the Libertarian Party of LA county is vying for the chair of the Libertarian Party. What does she want to achieve as chair? What problems does she see the party having? Does she a pathway to unite the different factions? Find out!
April 27, 2021
(((My Fellow Americans)))

(((My Fellow Americans))) #98: Seth Stoughton

What causes police brutality, and how do we stop it? Spike's guest tonight is Seth Stoughton. He testified in the Derek Chauvin trial, he's a law professor and police use of force expert, and they're going to answer that question tonight!
April 22, 2021
The Wrighter's Block

The Wrighter’s Block Episode 48 – Jay Nygard gets Wrighter’s Block

Jay Nygard is a self described advocate for rights and civil disobedience in regards to going green. What exactly does that mean? I have no idea. Let’s find out together.
April 21, 2021
(((My Fellow Americans)))

(((My Fellow Americans))) #97: Eric Peterson

The Biden administration wants to bring back Net Neutrality, and Big Tech supports him. But what is Net Neutrality? Eric Peterson is the Director of Technology and Innovation Policy for the Pelican Institute for Public Policy, a free market think-tank, and he's talking LIVE with Spike tonight about it!
April 15, 2021
The Wrighter's Block

The Wrighter’s Block Episode 47 – Scott Schluter Gets Wrighter’s Block

Scott Schlutter is vying for the LP nomination for Governor in Illinois. He discusses his plan for the most aboveboard state in the union, and how he plans to ensure it stays completely scandal free... as it has been... since its inception. No scandals in Illinois.
April 10, 2021
(((My Fellow Americans)))

(((My Fellow Americans))) #95: James M. Ray

There's an unused nuclear energy technology that is even safer, cleaner and cheaper than the ones that are currently used, and its radioactive half-life is a small fraction of the others. What is it? Why isn't it being used? How can we start using it? Thorium energy expert James M. Ray will talk with Spike about this tonight!
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