vice president

March 20, 2020
Spike was asked earlier today, "if you were Vice President during this COVID-19 pandemic, what would you do differently?" He answered that with an incredibly long-winded rant, which shouldn't surprise any of you. He made this quick video to share his answer with all of you, because he's sick and tired of watching terrible things happen to us because of the failures of government, and he thinks it's time we do something about it. (NOTE: the audio skips a couple times in the first few seconds, but it's fine after that. Spike apparently needs a new headset lol)

Libertarian COVID-19 Pandemic Question ANSWERED!

Spike was asked earlier today, "if you were Vice President during this COVID-19 pandemic, what would you do differently?" He answered that with an incredibly long-winded rant, which shouldn't surprise any of you. He made this quick video to share his answer with all of you, because he's sick and tired of watching terrible things happen to us because of the failures of government, and he thinks it's time we do something about it. (NOTE: the audio skips a couple times in the first few seconds, but it's fine after that. Spike apparently needs a new headset lol)
December 23, 2019
In this MUDDIED WATERS EXCLUSIVE, newly-crowned Vice President Spike Cohen gives his VERY FIRST INTERVIEW since being announced as Vermin Supreme's running mate! Spike comes on to talk about this historic race to the White House with the Libertarian Party's frontrunner, his Verbal Agreement for an Even Better America, his plan to spread the libertarian message far and wide, and of course the badger. UPDATE: if you would like to take part in the toothbrush promotion, please make your donations directly to Do not donate to my PayPal, that will make things unnecessarily complicated.

(((My Fellow Americans))) #54: I Am Literally The Vice President!

In this MUDDIED WATERS EXCLUSIVE, newly-crowned Vice President Spike Cohen gives his VERY FIRST INTERVIEW since being announced as Vermin Supreme's running mate! Spike comes on to talk about this historic race to the White House with the Libertarian Party's frontrunner, his Verbal Agreement for an Even Better America, his plan to spread the libertarian message far and wide, and of course the badger. UPDATE: if you would like to take part in the toothbrush promotion, please make your donations directly to Do not donate to my PayPal, that will make things unnecessarily complicated.
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