
September 27, 2020
The Muddied Waters of Freedom with Matt Wright & Spike Cohen

Episode 163 – Hypocrisy in regards to #Scotus and #BreonnaTaylor does not receive justice

Politicians flip flop on whether or not to appoint a new justice in an election year, and Louisville levies charges against the officers… wait, no…. the officer who shot… nope, sorry, not that one, one of the other officers who were involved in the shooting of Breonna Taylor.
September 18, 2020
The Muddied Waters of Freedom with Matt Wright & Spike Cohen

Episode 162 – Holly Barlow Austin Dies in Texarkana and TikTok Goes ByeBye

Let’s talk about debt, baby, let’s talk about GDP, let’s talk about all the spending, And the interest that may be, Let's talk about deeeEEeebt. And let’s look into an awful program being used in Pasco County, FL where they are attempting, poorly, to emulate Minority Report.
September 11, 2020
The Muddied Waters of Freedom with Matt Wright & Spike Cohen

Episode 161 – C’MON MAN!

Let’s talk about debt, baby, let’s talk about GDP, let’s talk about all the spending, And the interest that may be, Let's talk about deeeEEeebt. And let’s look into an awful program being used in Pasco County, FL where they are attempting, poorly, to emulate Minority Report.
September 2, 2020
The Muddied Waters of Freedom with Matt Wright & Spike Cohen

Episode 160 – Controversy: Kyle Rittenhouse

Disney is going back to sleep, what does that 6% really mean, and is Vegan Butter ‘butter’? Also, Spike and Matt dive into the Kyle Rittenhouse situation, and honestly I don’t even know how this is going to go.
August 25, 2020
The Muddied Waters of Freedom with Matt Wright & Spike Cohen

Episode 159 – #JusticeforJacobBlake

The Kentucky Cops who Didn’t Get Qualified Immunity, the sad story of Jacob Blake and the fallout in Wisconsin after his shooting, and Massachusetts is calling CPS on the parents of kids who miss too many Zoom classes.
August 22, 2020
The Muddied Waters of Freedom with Matt Wright & Spike Cohen

Episode 158 – The Personal Injury Attorney Chris Reynolds, Attorney at Law Achor Call In Spectacular

Here it is! The Personal Injury Attorney, Chris Reynolds, Attorney At Law Anchor Call-In spectacular, where we have calls from you, our valued listeners, that we are answering! Tune in, listen to your questions, and remember -- You Are The Power!
August 12, 2020
The Muddied Waters of Freedom with Matt Wright & Spike Cohen

Episode 157 – #RememberRyanWhitaker

Joe Biden Selects Kamala Harris as his running mate making it the ticket with the worst history on Criminal Justice Reform potentially in history! Trump uses executive orders like they are going out of style, and we remember Ryan Whitaker who was killed in his apartment complex by the police a few months ago.
August 4, 2020
The Muddied Waters of Freedom with Matt Wright & Spike Cohen

Episode 156 – Joe Biden’s Plan for Guns

Spike and Matt dive into Biden’s plan for guns, and talk about every incoherent, backwards, and Orwellian aspect of it.
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