DEMAGEDDON II: Intersectional Boogaloo

In this two-night event, Matt & Spike live-ravage the second round of Democratic presidential debates. It’s like Mystery Science Theater 3000 but also all the sci-fi monsters are Democrats. Will Marianne Williamson take this opportunity to heal the world’s collective chakra? Yes. Will Joe Biden unite the party around his message of a return to the normalcy of the Obama years? Almost assuredly no.

Night One

Night Two

About This Episode

In this two-night event, Matt & Spike live-ravage the second round of Democratic presidential debates. It’s like Mystery Science Theater 3000 but also all the sci-fi monsters are Democrats.

Will Marianne Williamson take this opportunity to heal the world’s collective chakra? Yes.

Will Joe Biden unite the party around his message of a return to the normalcy of the Obama years? Almost assuredly no.

Episode Transcript

This episode transcript is auto-generated and provided as a service to the hearing impaired. We apologize for any errors or inaccuracies.


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