michael bloomberg

November 24, 2020
The Muddied Waters of Freedom with Jason Lyon and Spike Cohen

Episode 171 – Trump’s execution numbers, Biden’s #CabinetPicks, and why Trump won’t get prosecuted

Trump pardons a turkey, but sends more people to death, Biden is rolling the US foregin policy back to the day when we bombed people with class, and there is no way in H-E-double hockey sticks that Trump is getting prosecuted.
November 17, 2020

Episode 170 – Biden’s Plan For National Supply Commander (PLUS HAT AUCTION part 2!)

Joe Biden has a plan for a National Supply Commander to dole out supplies as it sees necessary to hospitals across the country, and Trump puts together a crack legal team that will ultimately make no difference, before we possibly go to war with Iran. ALSO WE ARE AUCTIONING A HAT THAT HAS BEEN SIGNED BY MATT & SPIKE COME GET THIS MUHFUGGIN HAT BIHHHHHHHH
November 10, 2020
The Muddied Waters of Freedom with Matt Wright & Spike Cohen

Episode 169 – Biden Wins* and Trump Sues everyone (PLUS HAT AUCTION!)

America is riding that post election hangover, and it may make everyone collectively decide they never want to vote again… or at least we can all hope so.
November 4, 2020
The Muddied Waters of Freedom with Matt Wright & Spike Cohen

Episode 168 – Electageddon 2020

Jason Lyon takes over the right side of the screen with Matt as they dissect the election in real time throughout the night.
October 23, 2020
The Muddied Waters of Freedom with Matt Wright & Spike Cohen

Episode 167 – DebateMageddon 3: The Mutening

Join Spike and Matt for the final presidential debate where Trump and Biden will have mute buttons, but we won’t! Get your dose of Libertarianism during the debate between two old guys arguing over how much of your money should be spent on things you don’t want or need! Tune in on Flote, Twitch, YouTube, Twitter, or I guess, Facebook.
October 16, 2020

Episode 166 – #AmyConeyBarett and new #Stimulus talks

Matt and Spike sit together FOR THE FIRST TIME to discuss some of the rulings given by Trump pick, Amy Coney Barett, and Trump yo yos on stimulus spending more often than Joe Biden on court Packing.
October 10, 2020
The Muddied Waters of Freedom with Matt Wright & Spike Cohen

Episode 165 – Debatemageddon 2: The Veepening

VP Mike Pence and Top Cop Kamala Harris set to face off in the thunder dome of politics. Will it be a replay of the Trump/Biden debate from last week, or will it be a snore fest of a debate? Join Spike "Method Manischewitz" Cohen, and the guy on left, Matt Wright as they pick apart the candidates in true Muddied Waters Media fashion!
September 30, 2020
The Muddied Waters of Freedom with Matt Wright & Spike Cohen

Episode 164 – DebateMageddon

We’ve been drug tested and we both have listening devices in our ears. We are ready to go! Join us as we mystery science theater the crap out of this debate! There may not be a libertarian on stage, but there are two of your favorites to watch the debate with.
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